
CDN-Advisor is a website that provides latest news about content delivery networks & CDN companies, as well as useful tips about web performance, streaming and web acceleration.

We provided different services to CDN-Advisor such as Logo Design, Website Design, Website Development, Search Engine Optimization, Flyer Design, Social Media Management and Social Media Strategy.

Design of their branding was influenced by the original design elements as well as Content Delivery Network technology. With a new and better colour layout, along with some size alteration, the logo had a more attractive look. After the completion of the logo, design of the website completed with regard to objective of their website. Later on, their social media visuals were replaced according to new branding. Apart from that, printed materials for have been prepared which were used in the worldwide conferences they have been partnered.

We are still working with CDN-Advisor on some of their projects.

Project Details

September 2013